Sports News

 Surrey Youth Games 2023

Click below for link to Surrey Youth Games website:

Click here for more information on why to get involved in the Surrey Youth Games!



Award of 2 Star Mark for PE

We are thrilled to have been awarded an Active Surrey 2 Star Mark for KS1 PE last academic year.  Well done PE Team and all the children for participating so enthusiastically in their PE lessons, extra activities and fixtures!


Star Mark Certificate


Round Up of Summer 2022 Events

District Sports

District Sports 2022

Swimming Gala 2022

Swimming gala 1Swimming gala 2

Swimming gala 3Swimming gala 4

Year 6 Netball at Frensham Heights 2022

Yr 6 Netball Frensham Heights 2022

Rounders Tournament 2022

Rounders Tournament 2022

Elite Cross Country Summer 2022

Elite Cross Country 2022 1Elite cross country Summer 2022 2


Year 6 Netball Tournament

On 8th March 2022, 8 children from Yr6 played in a netball tournament at South Farnham school. 10 schools were competing to win a lovely shiny trophy. PG won all 4 matches in their group stage which meant we were top of our group and progressed to the final. Despite a slightly nervous start and being a goal down we came back strongly and won the match 4-2 to be tournament winners.

Everyone was very excited and Mrs McDonald was extremely proud of the whole team.

Year 6 Netball 1Year 6 Netball 2


Year 5 Netball Tournament

On 3rd March 2022,   children from Yr5 played in their first ever competitive netball tournament held at South Farnham School.  They got to play 3 matches against other schools and despite not winning they enjoyed the experience and gained more confidence each match they played.  Well done to all the children who took part.

Year 5 Netball


Year 5 Football Tournament

Our Year 5 football team took part in a tournament for local schools at Waverley Abbey School  on 10th March 2022.  They played brilliantly, winning their group stage and getting through to the semi finals, but unfortunately lost on penalties.  Great work everyone!

Year 5 Football 1Year 5 Football 2

Year 5 Football 3


Sports Training

Some of our Year 2 children took part in the 1st Steps to Leadership Sports training in February.

Active Surrey came to Potters Gate and ran the training with us and the children have already had a go at using their leadership skills by teaching some Year 1 games at lunchtime.

Sports Crew 1Sports Crew 2

Sports Crew 3



Want to challenge yourself and see where you place against children from all over Surrey?

??Take part in the South Surrey Cross-Country virtual challenge! ??

All participants need to do to take part is complete this incredibly short form





You can access the leaderboard anytime (it auto-updates every time someone enters). There are no other instructions, that’s it. Get up & get active! ??

April 2020


February 2020



December  2019 



November 2019

The ‘Active Surrey Star Mark’ allows infant and primary schools to further develop their provision and achieve recognition for their achievements in PE, sport and physical activity.

We are pleased to announce that Potters Gate School was awarded the ‘2 Star Mark’ in recognition of improving our sporting commitment, engagement and provision in Key Stage 1.




October 2019