Computing and Online Safety
“Computing is one of the richest, deepest, most fascinating, most creative, most ingenious playgrounds of the mind.” – Simon Peyton Jones
At Potters Gate and St Andrew’s we believe that it is important for children to develop the skills to become safe, respectful and responsible learners when using technology and accessing learning online.
In a world where technology is a part of everyday life, we believe it is important to prepare children with the skills needed for the technology will play in their lives.
Through an engaging and varied curriculum, pupils are given the opportunity to use a range of software, branching from Word and PowerPoint, to combining their scientific skills when using Dataloggers and Crumble kits. Children are given the independence to explore and investigate, developing their resilience and independence.
Children are taught the importance of being safe, respectful and responsible when working online through regular online safety lessons, as well as our annual Safer Internet Day.
Information for Parents:-
Activity Sheet - Gaming Activity Sheet - Social MediaActivity Sheet - Watching Videos Online Activity Sheet - Sharing Images Online
WOW! Moments
- Safer Internet Day - February
- Get With The Program - Christmas Coding Pantomime
- BUPA Coding day
- Youth Engagement Talk
- Scam Awareness Talk